
Chen-Hua She
Senior Researcher/ Professor

National Cheng Kung University Department of Naval Architecture University (1981)
Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Institute of Technology (1994)
Master of Mechanical Engineering, South Carolina State University (1988)
Cheng Shiu University of Science and Technology Professor-level technical staff (2012/6 - Now)
Cheng Shiu University of Science and Technology Associate Professor (2005/8 - 2012/6)
Assistant Professor, Private Business School (1999/8 - 2005/8)
High-speed Railway Engineering Bureau, Ministry of Communications, Chief of Engineering Department and Section Chief (1995/7 - 1999/7)
Engineer, Industrial Technology Research Institute (1994/9 - 1995/7)
National Cheng Kung University Teaching Assistant (1983/8 - 1986/8)
《Certificates and Awards》
《Areas of Interest》
Composite Material
Experimental Mechanical Analysis
Mechanical Solidity
《Contact Information》
Tel:(07) 735-8800#3313

